Tom Shannon is an illustrator of children's books and editorials, including Sometimes It Rains and There's a Fish in My Tent by Paul Du Fresne. He recently became a contributing illustrator for A List Apart. 

Tom holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Western Washington University, attended Pacific Northwest College of Art, is a member of the Society of Illustrators (New York / Los Angeles) and a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators. 


Mission statement: My work is not a drawing or painting of a subject. It tells a narrative and evokes emotion. 


Tom has illustrated for:

  • A List Apart

  • Society of Illustrators

  • Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators

  • Kitsap Credit Union (Kids Club)

  • Bremerton Letterpress Co.

  • Weird Darkness

  • Quorum